
birthday time.

a little shout out to my september birthdays:



love you guys so much. hope your birthday month has been spectacular.


to be continued.


weeping willows.

so i went for a little walk today. this is what i saw:
{lake and art museum}
{favorite spot}
{beautiful weather}
{weeping willows!! seriously so cool}
{of course i found some daisies in the grass. made me so happy}
{also for you cece :)}

i am currently in the library attempting to get some work done. went earlier this evening to get some annual tuesday fro yo at didiers with my favs, ellery, her brother a.j, cortney and kristie. {delish ....although doesnt beat 21 choices. when cort and elle visit this summer i am taking them there. they will fo sho appreciate its greatness}.
now i am off to the dorms once more to get my english book which i forgot to bring to the library...whoopss
and then maybe its off to bed early tonight?? we'll see.

i hope this finds you in happiness, health and love xoxo

to be continued.

{ah and remind me to one day blog about the story behind 'to be continued'}

some love.

here is some love.

because i think everyone can use a little more.

p.s i LOVE {this}. its my theme song for the year.

to be continued.
{as love should be}.


new life.

i am currently in spokane washington, sitting in my dorm room, listening to some coldplay, hearing my roommate, callie, flip through the pages of her assigned reading {probably something i should be doing to0, but oh well. im blogging :) }, and i am exhausted, but happy. why? because im in college!! finally! i have not had a spare moment these past 2 weeks to do anything but to pack {which was hard}, say bye to people {which was even harder} and to move into my life here at gonzaga. for the first week of 'college' i was on a pre orientation trip in montana, which consisted of biking, hiking and rafting activities. seriously so much fun, and i met the best people. when we got back we went straight into orientation, which was also so much fun, but also exhausting. we had to be at something everyday with nothing but an hour or so between each activity. annndd today was my first day of classes...im a true college girl now. also exhausting. but also just a blast, love my profs, and went the whole day without getting lost or going to the wrong class {although i did walk into a class early and the previous class was still going on...a bit awk but the professor was really nice about it tehe}. the people here at gu are some of the greatest people i have ever known...i mean ya i've only know some of them for 4 days or less but for some it seems as if ive known them for so much longer.
it is such a relief to be here and to begin to immerse myself in my life in spokane. i already love the city as well. forget whatever negative comments you've heard about spokane, b/c its seriously the best. sure its a bit sketch at points and we sometimes, fondly though of course, refer to it as spo-compton, and you gotta watch out for the "spokey's" but other than that, its pretty great and im looking forward to exploring it more these next 4 years. :)
overall my gu experience has been amazing so far, and i cant speak highly enough about it. plus you cant beat the beautiful campus, free farmers market {more on that...read on} and the school spirit is amazing... i can't wait for basketball season to begin!!..im ready to get my cheer on :)

hope this finds you in happiness, health and love xoxo

{my bed}

{my friend cortney and i with our fruit finds, from last saturdays free farmers market on campus. now how many people can say their college did that??}

{downtown spokane}

more pictures to come..these arent that great, but just wanted to give a little taste of my new life :)

to be continued.