
jan births

oh hello there.

it tis nearing the end of january which brings me to another birthday post! there are quite a few birthday folks who i would like to give a shout out to :)

first and foremost:

{jan. 5th.}
happy happy birthday daddy! you are simply the best. love you so much!

second, my pup:
{also jan 5th}
easily my most favorite dog in the world. duh.
i love my sibs too. just side note.

these lovely ladies:
{kellie: jan 18th. and katie: jan 7th}
love you girls!!

and jeffrey
love you jeff!
{jan 14th}
basically one of my favorite pictures. there is just so much wonderfulness going on tehe

happy happy birthday month to my wonderful family and friends. love you all!

to be continued.

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