

so the beach.

its calling me.
{san louis obisbo}
BUT. i am excited for the snow this week. :))
hopefully it'll happen since last week fell through, despite weather.com's prediction.
little disappointed in you weather.com. maybe you'll pull through this week.
ps. this is my friend katie. she check's the weather obsessively too. on average we check 3 different websites a day. tehe {like me, she can tell you the 10 day forecast including highs and lows} what can i say? we like to know what to expect from the sky.

little added bonus? she shares my obsession for straws.
oh. and we sorta have the same name.

{on our shopping trip to norstroms downtown}
{we also pick wheat we find along the trail and display it in our rooms. nbd.}

i hope you are enjoying the weather in your town this week!
i hope this finds you in happiness, health and love xoxo

to be continued.

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