when is enough, enough?
this thought came to me tonight while i was eating my chef boyardee mini ravioli's {gross i know right? welcome to college.},
after getting ready for the evening, listening to the chitter chatter of girls out in the hall, rewinding after a rather hectic day, thinking about my life.
there's that saying, or i don't know if its a saying, but for the sake of this post lets call it a saying, that God will never give you more than you can handle. That if you bite off more than you can chew, well...it'll work out in the end.
but what is more than we can handle? how can we tell if it really is more than we can handle or if the stress, the drowning feel we are feeling is a result of poor time management or laziness?
do we often use these sayings as a scapegoat for our faults? or do we actually sometimes, occasionally all the time, actually have 'too much'?
of course i know with me sometimes it is a result of laziness, or i don't know about laziness but just a feeling of wanting to do something else that is more fun than the task i actually should do.
so. i put it off. procrastination. i'll be the first to admit i have become the queen of that.
however a lot of the time i do what i should do, yet it still feels like im stuck.
like im on a treadmill. im running and running but essentially getting no where.
and that can be a lot to take sometimes.
that is when enough feels like enough.
yet even in those situations we have to keep going, because if we stop running on that treadmill, we'll slip off. which is no good. {i recently saw a youtube video of a guy slipping off a treadmill. although provided me and my friend kellie with a good laugh, it did not look fun for the poor guy haha}
so where does this leave us?
what options do we have?
i am still trying to figure it out. which i honestly think will take some time.
I guess knowing your limits is a starter. realizing you just cant do all you want to sometimes. or you cant do all, that other people can do.
we have different limits and figuring them out for ourselves is a step in the right direction.
i know for me i've started to do that, and i think although i have been feeling a lot like the guy on the treadmill lately, i have started to realize my limits and i have started to think about what i can actually do, and what i do well.
putting my energy into the things i do well and enjoy will make for a lot happier, less stressed and really a more successful me.
start thinking about your limits. what do you do well? what do you enjoy?
start prioritizing and start living your life.
its your life. and the possibilities are endless.
thats a pretty cool thought huh?
do what you love. and love what you do.
{a lovely fall day in spokandyland}
spokandyland you ask? i nicer nick name for my current city than the often uttered 'spokompton. :)
ps. {cutest song ever}. you feel happy just listening to it :)
i hope this finds you in happiness, health and love xoxo
to be continued.
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