

This is the start of my blogging experience. I've had this recent obsession with reading people's blogs, and after much consideration, have finally gotten around to making one of my own. I have no idea what i am doing, and although previously said blog obsession has taught me a thing or two, i still find myself wondering if i can actually do this. However considering these past couple months of confusion, happiness, new experiences, stress, love, etc, i have decided to attempt to put it all down; to capture the inter workings of my last quarter of high school, and to reflect on the person i have become over the past 18 years, and the person i hope to be in these next years of my life. This is mainly for my own self-discovery, but if you, whoever you are, happen to be reading this, i hope my random, quirky thoughts may lead you to some self discovery of your own. :)

i hope this finds you in happiness, health and love. xoxo

ps. - jonathan: This is the ultimate blend to drink. How'd you find this place?
sara: I first came in because of the name: Serendipity. It's one of my favorite words.
jonathan: It is? Why?
sara: It's such a nice sounding word for what it means:
a fortunate accident.

serendipity: one of my favorite movies, songs, and words. and has one of my favorite definitions as i believe some of the greatest things in life are the results of fortunate accidents.

pps. - Have you smiled today?

{i captured this on a recent sailing excursion with my pup. it made me smile.
i hope it had the same effect on you.}

oh and a special thanks to my dear friend cece who has been a recent inspiration for my blogging journey.

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